Great Britain
Amiga Computing
"A game like this is unbelievable.
One of the best games of all time...Buy it now!"
Graphics: 96 . Sound: 95 . Gameplay: 93
Amiga Format
"There's only one word for the graphics in Capital Punishment - superb!"
Graphics:10 . Sound:8 . Addiction:9 . Playability:9
Amiga Action
"Capital Punishment is one of the finest games on the Amiga."
CU Amiga
"Superb animation. Superb lighting effects and backgrounds.
The best sound effects and music in the history of beat 'em ups."
Graphics:91 . Sound:96 . Lastability:91 . Playability:89
Amiga Games
"The best Amiga beat-em-up ever!"
Amiga Joker
"Capital Punishment scores a clean technical Knock Out!
It's almost incredible what this game makes out of an ordinary Amiga."
Amiga Dream
(coming soon)
(coming soon)
The Games Machine
(coming soon)
Amiga Info
(coming soon)
(coming soon)
Amiga Report
"CP is a masterpiece of a 2D fighting game, with unsurpassed gameplay and
Amazing Computing
"Do you want to see how beautiful AGA graphics can be?
You'll be proud to call your Amiga a game machine. Once you see it, you will love it."
Amiga Computing
"Amazing stereo sound, unbelievable, realistic effects...the game becomes lifelike.
Capital Punishment will for sure be one of the biggest successes of this year."
Czech Republic
Amiga Review
(coming soon)
"The new king!"